Are Islamists Undermining the West?

Allah's Willing Executioners

By William DiPuccio

Is it possible for Islam to undermine and replace the core values of Western civilization? By core values, I’m referring to deeply held principles such as inalienable rights, religious and personal freedom, equality of the sexes, free speech, and the separation of religion and state.

According to some, even posing this question places you in the company of conspiracy theorists and “Islamophobes.” Perhaps that accusation would be true if we assumed thatallMuslims are engaged in an effort to bring North America and Europe under Muslim rule. But, Islam is not a monolithic faith and many Muslims who live in the West have internalized Western values. Some have even championed the cause of human rights within Islam.

There is, however, a substantial minority of Muslims in our midst who adhere closely to the teachings oftraditional Islam(albeit with somemodern adaptations) and believe…

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