Islam. Chipping away at the host society’s foundation, one little piece at a time…

until that host is completely destroyed. Islam is to a country as a malignant cancer is to a human body. We have the cure but lack the will to use it. All Muslim immigration must be stopped and all non citizen Muslims must be deported. Do not listen to Obama as he preaches of the contributions  of Islam. Since this ideology was dreamed up by Muhammad 14 centuries ago Islam has contributed nothing to humanity except terror, death and destruction.

Via Tundra Tabloids


Grinch dhimmis strike again

A dear friend of the Tundra Tabloids mentioned the following concerning this story in the FPN.DK. We were both aghast at the ease in which portions of society, in the willingness to be tolerant, would so brazenly discriminate against members of its own society. KGS

NOTE: Remember folks, rejection of Islam, just the saying no to it, is tantamount to charges of discriminationa and bigotry….islamophobia.

Chipping away at the host society’s foundation, one little piece at a time, until that society finally accepts that it has no right to be different to the immigrants to whom it has extended a helping hand out of sheer naivity and well-intentioned but ultimately self-destructive sincerity. Read more…

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3 Responses to Islam. Chipping away at the host society’s foundation, one little piece at a time…

  1. Pingback: Tuesday Afternoon News Update, my picks from the Grump Daily | Grumpy Opinions

  2. righthook38 says:

    People are just so stupid… can you see story after story of the death and destruction surrounding anything related to Islam, and still try to appease these people? Good grief! The political correctness in our country, and others, is just beyond me. Sad to say, but we deserve what’s coming to us, if we continue to play dumb and allow them to work their way into our political and legal systems.

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