No American Flags at GITMO in Submission to Muslim Terrorist Detainees. WTF?

Visit post at Atlas Shrugs via Zilla of the Resistance.

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4 Responses to No American Flags at GITMO in Submission to Muslim Terrorist Detainees. WTF?

  1. Citizen Tom says:

    I have my doubts about this one.

    On the Internet rumors tend to spread faster than the truth. The news media does not help. The news media is more interested in being first than in being accurate. If a story like this is untrue, they just don’t follow up.

    Would Obama like to take the American flag down? Probably. Would the jerks he has appointed have the nerve to order military personnel to do such a thing? Not yet, but we are getting there. In 2012, we have to throw these people out.

    • boudicabpi says:

      Hi Tom,
      I did not verify and won’t. I believe Pamela in her post said that it was not being flown in site of the Muslim detainee’s so as not to offend them. Thanks for your comment.
      Bob A.

  2. wdednh says:

    Are You kidding me? WTF indeed!

  3. bydesign001 says:

    Good morning Bob and thanks for posting. This is absolutely disgusting. We must get that threat to the nation’s survival out of office by hook or by crook.

    I am now of the mindset that Obama is intentionally trying to start a civil war.

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