The Calm Before The Jihadi Storm, ‘Why Are American Politicians Not Blowing The Whistle On Obama’s Suicidal Policies?’

The Calm Before The Jihadi Storm, ‘Why Are American Politicians Not Blowing The Whistle On Obama’s Suicidal Policies?’

MidnightWatcher's Blogspot

By Raymond Ibrahim – “On this Memorial Day, it’s important to remember that the very same U.S. policies that created al-Qaeda in Afghanistan in the 1980s—leading to the horrific attacks of 9/11—are today allowing al-Qaeda to metastasize all around the Muslim world.  As in the 80s, these new terrorist cells are quietly gathering strength now, and are sure to deliver future terror strikes that will make 9/11 seem like child’s play.

To understand this dire prediction, we must first examine the United States’ history  of empowering Islamic jihadis—only to be attacked by those same jihadis many years later—and the chronic shortsightedness of American policymakers, whose policies are based on their brief tenure, not America’s long-term wellbeing.

In the 1980s, the U.S. supported Afghani rebels—among them the jihadis—to repel the Soviets.  Osama bin Laden, Ayman Zawahiri, and countless foreign jihadis journeyed to Afghanistan to form a base of training and planning—the…

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3 Responses to The Calm Before The Jihadi Storm, ‘Why Are American Politicians Not Blowing The Whistle On Obama’s Suicidal Policies?’

  1. Ken Wanner says:

    wow. yea i do believe nobody really knows. he is NOT the caring man he tries to portray

  2. upaces88 says:

    I do believe anyone who stands up to him is being threatened.

  3. upaces88 says:

    I only have one “personal” experience that I can share when I saw evidence of the FEAR in Washington D.C. caused “BY HIM.”
    About(?) 2 yrs ago, I ran to my local pawn shop to sell some gold flatware, etc. for extra $.
    I was standing in line, and bored so I began to chat with the owner of the pawn shop, Tommy, on “how the gun sales were going since Obama got into office?.”
    There was a man in a business suit standing right in front of me (strange for a Saturday to see a man in a business suit in a pawn shop). I laughed about it.
    Before Tommy could answer me, this man…about my height (5’3″ tall) whipped around and looked me right in the eyes. His eyes grew very large and his face turned white as snow as he said: “I worked for him. I QUIT!! You don’t know who this man really is!”
    He immediately RAN out the front door before he even finished his business.

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