A message to an idiot, Incog Man.

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Incog Man AKA Incontinent Man

This is for the Incontinent Man and his merry band of idiots, Puff Guy, T Bone AKA lacks a boner, Shit Man, Cannible Rabbit, James the jerk, Faily Bailey, and the rest of the cock roaches that crawl out from Clod man’s wood work. I am white, not Jewish not gay. I have to admit you guy’s are perfect, a whole tribe of perfect assholes.

Incontinent man can be seen at

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46 Responses to A message to an idiot, Incog Man.

  1. Karen says:

    Mr. Spell-bee (dilligent)….I’m able to spell need, my finger slipped on the keyboard, wet from tears laughing at your attempts to cover up a lack of ideas by focusing on grammar.

  2. Karen says:

    boudicabpi, I have to agree that a few of the commentors on Incogs site are, how did you put it? idiots, but his message is sound and he is intelligent. On the other hand you say nothing to refute his message, resorting to name-calling which makes you come across as an idiot. Also, it’s said that a picture says a thousand words and the picture you present is unflattering and I’m being kind, a lady. You nedd a shampoo and shower.

  3. INCOG MAN says:

    I noticed this post is now your top post.

    What’s that tell you?

    • That we’re bored and you’re an easy target.

      • INCOG MAN says:

        No, that this site gets so little traffic to begin with. I also notice you’re too chicken shit to comment on mine.

        You don’t bother me, pal. I only feel bad so many Whites are brainwashed by the Jew in America.

        That’s OK. Things are changing. Spineless little worms like you, will merely reinvent themselves overnight.

        • I no longer intentionally travel bad neighborhoods,
          discretion is the better part of valor.

          • INCOG MAN says:

            No, it’s because you’re a two-bit chicken shit who worries his little world view might change radically.

            Real life bad neighborhoods have blacks who might hurt poor little White boy just for being White.

    • boudicabpi says:

      That people want to get a laugh at and read a message to an idiot. Notice that there are not a lot of responses full of nothing but cursing, threats and hate, as we find on your site.
      Bob A.

      • INCOG MAN says:

        Right, brain bob.

        Your little video of me (I’m so proud) really brings in the hits.

        You’ve had this blog since 2008 and this is “top post?” Hell, 150,000 hits is your total hits from the start. I get over 100,000 per month.

        I sure hope you get a few more since I put your worthless link on my site. And I hope you’re not living on paypal donations (with the way you drop in the button everywhere, that might be your intention).

    • JC says:

      A little paranoid aren’t you? I mean come on Jews are less than 1% of the world’s population…yet you blame them for all the ills of the world. Who would you hate/blame if tomorrow they were all gone? Can any one tell me with 100% certainty that the ills of this world be would be solved if there were no more Jews? Of course they would not be solved…only a fool would believe that. You give power, where there need not be any, when you put forth such hateful ideas. Why do they bother you so much? What is there in/about you that feels compelled to put forth such garbage? Your hate of Jews says all we need to know about you…and here is a tip just for you. You are not even a speck on their radar so really all your efforts are wasted. I will pray for you.

      What this tells us is that Bob is a stand up guy that can be counted on to stand against hate and gutless wonders who having nothing better to do than defame an entire population because they are the apple of G_ds eye. I would wager that you hate Jews because they have the audacity to survive/thrive NO MATTER how much you support their destruction. As I said I will pray for you. Your total preoccupation with less than 1% of the worlds population is very telling about who and what you are. Perhaps your time would be better spent fighting the real enemy instead of the enemy in your mind/heart.

  4. INCOG MAN says:

    I put you in my “braindead” link section. Yeah, you are one braindead member!

    • That’s: brain-dead — a hyphenated adjective… genius.

      • INCOG MAN says:

        Uh oh, looks like we got ourselves a real brainiac boy here. Maybe you ought to direct your sterling intellect towards the big picture, fool, instead quibbling BS.

        But I guess that’s too much to ask for a Jew suck-up.

        • Toward the big picture, not towards.

          I’m no genius, I just know how to spell
          on at least an eighth-grade level.

          It doesn’t take any Eienstein to make
          you look stupid, not with you pulling
          most of the load.

          Stick with me, hater, I’ll get you there.
          That way you won’t continually come
          off looking dumber than the ones you
          are busy calling dumb.

          • INCOG MAN says:

            It’s Einstein, your excellency.

            Maybe your pal, Bobby Boy here, will go back in and fix it for you.

            Yeah, “hater” is a good slander for you to use against a fellow White person — Jew created and Jew approved. How’s it feel to be a Jew tool?

              • That’s called a typo. I’d actually just looked
                it up because I really wasn’t sure how to spell it
                and I didn’t want to give you any edge. But at
                two in the morning behind a 12-hour work day
                typos happen. You had at least two in that ori-
                ginal comment I was responding to.

                Phil… May I call you Phil? Thanks. I’m sure you
                won’t mind since it’s probably the nicest thing
                you’ve been called all day…

                Phil, this juvenile spelling bee and name-calling
                is getting us nowhere. Technically I started it so
                I’d like to offer you up a formal apology right here
                in front of everyone:

                I’m sorry I started this whole mess by calling you
                a genius. You in no way deserved that.

                Otherwise, I did watch your video and liked it. I
                think it raised some valid points. Actually my next
                post will probably be on the intentional demorali-
                zation of America, I think it’s an important topic
                which needs to be addressed.

                Now can we call a troose and get back to busi-

                • INCOG MAN says:

                  “Oh, you’re kind of right on some things…” In his infinite wisdom, the bard of the Internet bestows his gracious blessing.

                  Funny how quibbling fools think so highly of themselves.

                  • At least you got it half-right, you toxic old troll.

                    Bard of the internet — : )

                    Spineless worm — : (

                    Fuck with my friend Bob and you fuck with me.

                    If you ever live to make a friend, you’ll understand
                    how all that works.

                    But going the way you’re going, I wouldn’t hold my

              • What you are is the poster child for retroactive abortion.

                • boudicabpi says:

                  Good Morning John,
                  Incog Man is a blustering braggart, nothing more. We all have come in contact with people like him. Because in reality they are insignificant they try to one-up others and only accomplish showing what fools they really are. IMO Incog Man and his crew have accomplished that. I won’t bother responding to him until I read something of substance to answer. As far as traffic, one quality visitor is worth more than 100 insane hits. There seems to be no lacking of those on his site. Thanks for the support.
                  Bob A.

                • INCOG MAN says:

                  “Conservative New Ager.” What a perfect tag line for a stuck-up little phony hanging around this ridiculous site. I mean look at you, the faraway doltish gaze, the quibbling recessive chin, the scrawny attempt at a raconteur mustache and the regular guy ball cap on your pointy little head.

                  Face it, Diligent, you’re just a little brainwashed worm. A mere useful idiot for the Jews. More like useless in your case, since your pathetic existence has zero use for them at all.

                  May as well test the effective lethality of carbon monoxide gas supposedly used at Treblinka. Personally.

  5. kerdasi amaq says:

    If Incogman is an idiot; why are you guys so worried about him?
    Hitting a nerve is he? I think so.

    • boudicabpi says:

      I don’t think anyone is worried about him. Speaking for myself it’s kind of funny reading the rants of his followers.
      Bob A.

  6. bydesign001 says:

    Keep on rocking it Bob. Great vid. Man, there’s no shortage of loons out there. Seems like there’s fool moon everyday.

  7. INCOG MAN says:

    What is with you Israel suck-ups? No matter what anyone shows you, you still believe the bull?

    Newt Gingrich is a major Zionist suck up. All of them are, really. Doesn’t that strike you as a wee bit suspect?

  8. INCOG MAN says:

    I see one of my videos comes up afterward (at least until the Jews get it deleted). People upload it a lot since the Jews got my account suspended. But they don’t stay up long, if they get any traffic. Funny, how they can have that done, huh?

    Watch it, if you got any guts to think outside the box (which I doubt):

    You folks enjoy being bamboozeled by the Jews?

    • boudicabpi says:

      Well Incontinent Man, I watched and it appears all you did was upload someone’s clip, a video by Phillip Marlowe.19 hits in just short of 4 months. WTF?
      Bob A.

      • INCOG MAN says:

        Phillip Marlowe is me DUMBASS.

        When I first did it, I put it up on Youtube and it started to get tens of thousands until the Jews had my account terminated.

    • JC says:

      A little paranoid aren’t you? I mean come on Jews are less than 1% of the world’s population…yet you blame them for all the ills of the world. Who would you hate/blame if tomorrow they were all gone? Can any one tell me with 100% certainty that the ills of this world be would be solved if there were no more Jews? Of course they would not be solved…only a fool would believe that. You give power, where there need not be any, when you put forth such hateful ideas. Why do they bother you so much? What is there in/about you that feels compelled to put forth such garbage? Your hate of Jews says all we need to know about you…and here is a tip just for you. You are not even a speck on their radar so really all your efforts are wasted. I will pray for you.

  9. Much better audio & video quality on that one Bob.

    • INCOG MAN says:

      Oh yeah, great audio. I noticed how well it synched up there at the beginning. Of course, Bob’s pronounciation and english could use some work. OK, a lot of work.

      • Incog Man, I have been over to your site to check
        it out. How do you manufacture those images you
        feature? The gifs and the composites and whatnot?
        What application(s) are you using for that?


        • INCOG MAN says:

          You’re standard apps, photoshop, etc.

          I noticed you got the Rothschild connection figured out. Are you brave enough to get it about the lousy Jews?

      • I noticed your english and pronounciation could
        use a little work too. You managed to misspell
        both words:

        english — : (
        English — : )

        pronounciation — : (
        pronunciation — : )

  10. INCOG MAN says:

    zillaoftheresistance? Is that like in Godzilla? And I suppose you really represent “the resistance,” too. Funny how you pathetic Zio suckups work as foot soldiers to the real “Man.” Haven’t figured that one out yet, eh bozos? Ever hear the term “useful idiots”?

    Bob A:

    You should have titled this “Incontinent Man, AKA ‘INCOG MAN.'”

    But I guess english is not your strong suit, is it?

    You people are so stupid, it’s funny.

  11. Trolls? I won’t click a link to see them, but you could put a Troll Toll on your comments like I do.

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