Obama destroying the middle east 10/25/2011

My first video, no teleprompter, no scripts. Please pass on.

Obama destroying the middle east 10/25/2011

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4 Responses to Obama destroying the middle east 10/25/2011

  1. Hey Bob, There you are! You go! Is that a webcam?
    It looks cold up there… It got up to 76 down here to-
    day, I rode my motorcycle around with nothing but a
    T-shirt on. Another gray, wet, cold & gloomy Atlanta
    winter is fast approaching though, and I’m already
    starting to think about burrowing in and writing some
    more articles for lack of anything better to do until
    springtime. When I left off I had gotten interested
    in whether or not their was ever a race of giants on
    the earth or not, as mentioned in the bible and else-
    where, and had started in on researching that. I
    think it’s a pretty cool topic. And by giants I mean
    GIANTS — these cats were apparently up to 30-feet
    tall, 5 to 6 times the size of the average contempor-
    ary human. They found a femur out west some-
    where that stands as tall as a man….

    I love YouTube. It’s a tremendous resource I can’t
    rave enough about. They’re definitely cracking
    down on it though. Have you seen the latest devel-
    opment: “This comment has been removed by the
    U.S. Government”? Scary. Everyone should get
    freeware YouTube downloaders and save every-
    thing they can while it’s still available. I’ve been
    preaching this for awhile now.

    People also may not realize that the only reason
    why a lot of the most compelling material is even
    still on there at all is because it’s getting passed
    around, changing hands and URLs in order to
    keep one step ahead of the Ministry of Truth. I
    watch stuff get yanked all the time, If the more
    enterprising among us were not copying a lot of
    the good stuff and uploading it to their own chan-
    nels, it’d already be gone for good. Eventually
    if not sooner they’ll find a way to defeat that

    John ..

    • boudicabpi says:

      Yeah John,
      Got a new laptop and came with a webcam, just playing around with it. I’ve never been much of a speaker. Did at night so was a bit dark. Will have to try during the day. just upped the resolution and lightened up. Chilly up here and rainy today. 45 right now.
      Bob A.

      • Well it’s only logical your first one would be your worst one.
        I was trying to learn something new one time and not really
        getting it, when it suddenly occurred to me that everyone
        — no matter who you name — starts out the same way, no
        matter how rich and famous (and accomplished) they are
        today. For example, look at where Tiger Woods took his
        golfing. But the first game he ever played in his life he was
        only logically the sorriest golfer on the course. I could have
        probably beat him, and I’m not even sure which end of the
        club to hold. There was a day Robert de Niro was the worst
        actor on the stage, and Venus Williams missed nearly every
        ball she swung at: and when she did manage to connect with
        one, it was guaranteed to go anywhere but where it was sup-
        posed to go. Only through practice & perseverence did any
        of them arrive at where they’re at today — and it works the
        same for everyone.

        This may be the single most comforting revelation I ever re-
        ceived in 50 years of life & living….

        Now you know the crucial role adecuate lighting plays in
        even amateur video production. Supplementary (fill) light-
        ing is an absolute requirement indoors even during day-
        light hours. The good news is you can cure all your woes
        for less than $50 and be on track to some professional-
        quality video clips.

        The budget photographer’s best friend is at least two of
        those clip-on worklights you can buy at any Walmart or
        Home Depot for around $7-$10 apiece. Get the ones with
        the 8-inch round polished aluminum shields. Then pick up
        a pack of those weird-looking energy-saver bulbs, the high-
        est wattage they have. Get the natural daylight bulbs for
        the right color temperature. The best thing about these is
        they throw off virtually no heat and cost you nothing to run.
        Experiment with placement, but generally you want one to
        your left and one to your right to eliminate shadowing. A
        third placed directly in front of you and aimed right at your
        face will be even better, but not essential. Don’t shoot the
        messenger, but I think you’re going to have to do this if
        you want your videos to look their best.

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